News - 04/02/2015

Dacorum Borough Council Call for Sites 2015

Dacorum Borough Council is running a Call for Sites to inform preparation of their Local Plan. This will guide development in the Borough for the next 20 years.

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Lambert Smith Hampton is advising landowners to take this opportunity and put forward sites for consideration for uses including housing, employment, retail, leisure and community development.

Both Green Belt and previously developed sites can be nominated. Sites must be capable of accommodating a minimum of five homes to warrant an allocation or be a minimum of 0.25 hectares in area for other land uses. For commercial development, a site must be able to support a minimum of 500 square metres of floor space. The Council advises those that responded to a similar exercise in 2014 to resubmit details in response to this latest call.

The acceptability of sites put forward will be considered through an update of the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) in due course.

Matthew Wood, Director – Planning and Development, at Lambert Smith Hampton commented: “This is an opportunity for landowners to get both previously developed and Green Belt sites in front of the Planning Authority for consideration. Owners of existing buildings in sustainable locations might want to consider whether their land might be put to alternative, more viable use.”

The deadline for submission of completed forms is Monday 2nd March 2015.

Further detail on the consultation can be found at



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