Know Office advisory

Whether you’re an investor, developer or occupier, in the corporate or public sector, a local business or an international brand, our agency service can help with all your office property needs.

Whether you’re an investor, developer or occupier, in the corporate or public sector, a local business or an international brand, our office agency service can help with all your office property needs.

We have a proven track record of delivering results: securing the best locations, maximising office space and reducing businesses’ property costs.

Each year we let, acquire or sell around 6m sq ft of office space - transacting around 40% of many of the regional office markets.

Our services include:

  • For landlords: advice to maximise asset value, letting, marketing strategy, enhancing rental values and filling voids
  • For tenants: advice on dealing with leasing issues such as subletting, assignments and disposal  
  • For businesses looking to relocate: everything from finding you the right office space to negotiating terms and seeing the transaction through to completion
  • For developers: office agency advice throughout the process, from pre-letting through to marketing of the finished office property 

Expertise based on an unrivalled knowledge of your markets

Thanks to our nationwide network of offices, we are based in your markets, letting or acquiring office space. This gives us an unrivalled knowledge of the UK office markets.

Our market research will keep you informed on local office market activity as well as on trends in the wider commercial property sector.

how can we help?

With specialist in both distressed property and business assets our team can provide the full spectrum of services required by the Restructuring and Insolvency industry either individually or jointly. Find out more below, or contact one of our specialists who will be happy to help.

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