Viewpoint - 07/11/2024

Call for Sites - North East Derbyshire

Landowners are invited to submit sites by January 10th as new housing policies drive demand for development in North East Derbyshire.

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North East Derbyshire District Council (NEDDC) have opened a ‘Call for Sites’. This is an opportunity for  sites to be put forward with the potential for development.  Submissions are due by 10th January 2025, a link to the Council’s ‘Call for Sites’ page is here.

The ‘Call for Sites’ is timely, given the current political context. The recently elected Labour Government have proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), in line with their long-term housing strategy to provide 1.5 million homes over the next five years. The new  version is expected to be published at the end of the year.

Paragraph 77 of the current NPPF stipulates that local housing need should be calculated using the standard method, unless strategic policy is less than 5 years old. The NEDDC was adopted in November 2021 and is therefore less than 5 years old, consequently the local plan requirement of 330 dwellings per annum, is still relevant.

The current (July 2023) Five Year Housing Land Supply (5YHLS) position of NEDDC, based upon a requirement of 330 dwellings per annum, is 5.76 years. The Government’s proposed changes to the standard method, would result in a need for 622 dwellings per annum, equating to an uplift of 292 dwellings per annum. The net effect of this increase is to reduce the Council’s land supply to 3.2 years.  The revised 5YHLS position equates to a shortfall of 1,133 dwellings from achieving a 5YHLS.

The LSH team can help by promoting your land for development and drafting a comprehensive evidence base to justify the need for your development. Furthermore, we can demonstrate to the Council how your site is available, and deliverable.

Our Economics & Planning Policy team have experience of working with clients and alongside others to promote land through the last NE Derbyshire Local Plan and also through appeals, examining housing need & supply and employment land needs.

If you would like to discuss the ‘Call for Sites’, or strategies to promote land in NE Derbyshire please get in touch.

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